Necredinta in incornorat nu te protejeaza de el, e atat de istet incat te face sa nu crezi in el. De crezut nu pot sa zic ca, cred, dar stiu de existenta lui. Sunt crestin-ortodox si Il am pe Dumnezeu! Caracterul satanist este acel caracter cu 'sange-rece'.
Caracter satanist inseamna sa fi o persoana rece, rea, fara inima si nemiloasa!
Si DA putem fi posedati de el dar nu o face ca sa nu se dea de gol de existenta lui asa ne poate controla mai usor!
E o poveste mai lunga...
Caracterul satanic il au oamenii rationali si carnali care nu pun nimic mai presus decat propria persoana.De aici rezulta toata filosofia in sine.Nu cred nici in Satan nici in Dumnezeu si fiind carnali, aspira la placere in fiecare zi, prin orice mijloace contrar abstinentei atat de comuna la crestini.
Foarte multi oameni sunt satanisti si habar nu au despre asta.Cam toti oamenii carnali sunt asa.Cei mai multi atei sunt asa si nu isi dau seama.
Nu putem fi posedati de el pentru ca nu exista.
Doar in Codrin Bradea
''+DovyTheChristian A fellow follower of Jesus must baptize you in water.
John Smith 3 years ago
+Thicey A. Flo Hey don't worry, if you're a man you have testosterone which means this is natural. I personally believe that God understands this isn't your fault. As long as you don't entertain these thoughts, you should be fine. God bless you.
finalcall07 3 years ago
+Thicey A. Flo You have allowed the devil into you and now he is controlling you. Go on your knees and repent to Jesus from the heart. Then rebuke those demons in you in the name of Jesus. Rebuke them and cast them out. A demon is a spirit and it will come out through your mouth, like a foul breath. exhale and it will come out like a huge yawn. Keep on praying and casting them out until they are out. Then keep your guard up. Did you speak in tongues when you were Spirit baptized?
finalcall07 3 years ago
+Thicey A. Flo Dear friend, if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit you can pray in a supernatural tongue all the time, out loud also. It is exactly like the first believers received on Pentecost (Read Acts 2) Pray and ask Jesus for the baptism in the Holy Spirit and you can pray in the Spirit all day even while at school or doing other things - your spirit prays. Then you can live in victory, the Holy Spirit will guide you and speak to you in your spirit, warning you and keeping you from sin. May Jesus bless u''
Satanisti sunt oameni care nu cred in dumnezeu si i se inchina la satana nu la dumnezeu.Nu poti fi posedat doar tu poti hotora in cine crezi in satana sau in dumnezeu. Dumnezeu ne-a dat libera alegere. Pai nu stiu exact daca exista, Satana era de fapt cel mai apropiat inger al lui Dumnezeu dar din cauza lacomiei a fost trimis in iad. Sper ca te-am ajuta, fundita
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