| Andrada0025 a întrebat:

Ce mesaj va transmit versurile acestei melodii?

Răspuns Câştigător
| girlpoisson555 a răspuns:

Oricum cred ca e de bine. date fiind versurile
"Hide Your Love Away"

I don't know your name yet?
I've never even seen your face
I'm looking with my eyes wide open
Til I find you in the right time and place

Hide your love away
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me- asteapta-ma
There will come a day
When i will finally say
Staring in your eyes...I've waited my whole life for this night

Every day you're prayed for...
I'm dreaming of you every night - visez la tine in fiecare noapte
Where ever you are right now
You're already the love of my life - tu esti deja iubirea vietii mele

Hide your love away
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me
There will come a day
When I will finally say
Staring in your eyes...I've waited my whole life for this night

I'm holding on for you
My heart belongs to you- inima mea iti apartine tie
You're everything that I adore [2x]

Darling your love is spoken for

Hide your love away
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me
With every breath you take
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me
There will come a day
When finally I say
Staring in your eyes
I've waited my whole life- am asteptata o viata intreaga
Staring in your eyes...I've waited my whole life
For this night

I don't know your name yet?

6 răspunsuri:
| Sociopat a răspuns:


| girlpoisson555 a răspuns:

Hide your love away- ascunde dragostea ta departe. cam ce-ar putea da de inteles versurile? Depinde de motivul pentru care ai primit melodia, ori te iubeste prea mult si metaforic vorbind dragostea ta pentru el si a lui pentru tine e atat de mare incat il "macina". Ori ia-te dupa numele melodiei si. iti dai seama ce transmite.

| Andrada0025 explică (pentru girlpoisson555):

Ce vrei sa zici prin "il macina"?

| girlpoisson555 a răspuns (pentru Andrada0025):

Exista o vorba, " iti port o iubire mistuitoare" unde mistuitor la figurat= distrugător, nimicitor, chinuitor.

| Andrada0025 explică (pentru girlpoisson555):

E de bine sau de rau? happy

| girlpoisson555 a răspuns (pentru Andrada0025):

Acum depinde din ce unghi e privita treaba, unii se simt maguliti cand aud asa ceva din gura persoanei iubire, altii se simt vinovati, pentru ca vezi tu, iubirea te ridica, te coboara, iti da aripi, te inalta spre cer, dupa care iti da drumu' fara niciun regret.
Depinde in ce context si ce relatie ai cu persoana care ti-a trimis melodia.
Eu una sincer, mi-as pune semne de intrebare, l-as intreba direct pe el/ea, ce-a vrut sa spuna de fapt.

| girlpoisson555 a răspuns (pentru Andrada0025):

Oricum cred ca e de bine. date fiind versurile
"Hide Your Love Away"

I don't know your name yet?
I've never even seen your face
I'm looking with my eyes wide open
Til I find you in the right time and place

Hide your love away
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me- asteapta-ma
There will come a day
When i will finally say
Staring in your eyes...I've waited my whole life for this night

Every day you're prayed for...
I'm dreaming of you every night - visez la tine in fiecare noapte
Where ever you are right now
You're already the love of my life - tu esti deja iubirea vietii mele

Hide your love away
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me
There will come a day
When I will finally say
Staring in your eyes...I've waited my whole life for this night

I'm holding on for you
My heart belongs to you- inima mea iti apartine tie
You're everything that I adore [2x]

Darling your love is spoken for

Hide your love away
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me
With every breath you take
Wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me
There will come a day
When finally I say
Staring in your eyes
I've waited my whole life- am asteptata o viata intreaga
Staring in your eyes...I've waited my whole life
For this night

I don't know your name yet?