| Eskalibur8 a întrebat:

Ce parere aveti despre lobotomie?
A fost practicată si la noi?
De ce credeti ca prin anii 20-30 si tot așa au fost folosite cele mai oribile metode de operații de tot felul.

Răspuns Câştigător
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Ce parere aveti despre lobotomie?
A promis multe dar s-a dovedit ca creierul uman e prea complex, am auzit ca sa reusit vindecarea unor pacienti, nu stiu daca acel studiu e real https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobotomy
In the United States, approximately 40, 000 people were lobotomized. In Great Britain[clarification needed], 17, 000 lobotomies were performed, and the three Nordic countries of Finland, Norway, and Sweden had a combined figure of approximately 9, 300 lobotomies.[132] Scandinavian hospitals lobotomized 2.5 times as many people per capita as hospitals in the US.[133] Sweden lobotomized at least 4, 500 people between 1944 and 1966, mainly women. This figure includes young children.[134] In Norway, there were 2, 500 known lobotomies.[135] In Denmark, there were 4, 500 known lobotomies, mainly young women, as well as children with learning difficulties.[136][not in citation given] In Japan, the majority of lobotomies were performed on children with behavior problems. The Soviet Union banned the practice in 1950 on moral grounds, and Japan and Germany soon followed suit. By the late 1970s, the practice of lobotomy had generally ceased.
astea sunt cifre mari, banuiesc ca au existat si rezultate pozitive
A fost practicată si la noi?
poate dar nu gasesc nici o dovada
De ce credeti ca prin anii 20-30 si tot așa au fost folosite cele mai oribile metode de operații de tot felul.
Pentru ca a fost un prim pas spre cunoasterea creierului uman, apoi in al dolea razboi mondial sa continuat Germania, japonia, omul reprezinta cel mai mare interes find un animal asa unicat

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