Another cold night is touching me...
My body is keeping freeze,
I can not feel it anymore
The moment of peace is driving me free.
I am alone, the dark is calling me
To open the door,
I am afraid to leave those lies
Dreaming inside...,
My soul is tired of cry is empty to ignore.
The heart is sick of wishes and fights
Why should believe i?
I am just a star - exactly crushed,
What have i done with my life hush...
Ive became shadow through the nights...
My best is darkness, that is sleeping inside.
I was a leave, green passionate, in love,
I fall across the rocks and die...
Only my soul till now is asking: why?
Understanding would be enough
even a thousand words
that nothing is above
the love of a parent
They are like sun and moon
my friends mom and dad
shining like a star
that never sets
It's funny to be funny
to make some people laugh.
It can be really easy,
it can be really hard.
To smile is just so loving
it lightens up the day.
And when you smile
it don't matter really what you have to say.
You can say something stupid,
you can say something wise,
as long as you are smiling
it brightens up your eyes.
Let's try to be more happy
and lighten up each day,
let's be careful when we speak
and what we want to say.
Be kindly and be loving
and not just for a while,
so that every time we see a friend
we great them with a smile.
Sper ca te-am ajutat :*
Eu stiu ca tu ma vei uita caci nu mai sunt cu tine
Un singur lucru te-as ruga
Sa-ti amintesti in viata ta ca tu m-ai cunoscut pe mine
Ca marea de albastra si fara de sfarsit a fost sinceritatea cu care te-am iubit.
O scoica de aur e inima ta,
Iar perla iubiri se afla in ea.
Scoica se sparge de stancile reci,
Iar perla iubirii ramane pe veci.
O barca se leagana la marginea marii, o inima sa roaga sa n-o dai uitarii
Iubirea este foarmata din 4 petale:cunostinta, iubire, despartire si uitare.
What's Mikey without Minnie,
What's Pigglet without Pooh,
What's Donald whitout Daisy,
That's me without you.
When Ariel doesn't singand Pooj Bears hates honey,
When Tiggre stops bouncing,
and Goofy isn't funny.
When Peter Pan can't fly
and Simba never roars,
When Alice in Wonderland
can't fit trough small doors.
When Dumbo's ears are small
and happily ever after isn't true,
That's when I'll stop loving you!
Sper ca te-am ajutat :*
Vreau sa te am, vreau sa te simt
Vreau sa te iert si sa te cuprind
Nu vreau sa te schimbi, ramai neschimbat
Nu vreau decat sa-mi simti bataile inimii cum bat.
Vreau sa ma iubesti si sa fi iubit
Pentru ca dupa cum stii, cu dragostea nu e de glumit.
Nu dispera, nu te grabi
Pe tine oricine te poate iubi.
Stai linistit, nu te stresa
Sigur te are cineva in inima sa.
Vreau sa fii tu, nu te prostii
Esti foarte tare, asta tu o stii.
Nu incerca sa fi altcineva
Asta nu sta bine in caracterizarea ta.
Vreau sa fii iubit si sa ma iubesti
Chiar daca prea departe tu esti.
Vreau sa simti ce simt pentru tine
Vreau sa-ti dau inima din mine
Insa asta nu pot face stii bine.
Daca as face-o, nu m-ar interesa,
Sa pierd o parte din inima mea
Si sa o dau persoanei iubite
Ca sa nu mai fie necesar sa spun multe cuvinte...
Vreau sa ma ai mereu in inima ta
Vreau sa ma simti oriunde-ai fi
Nu trebuie sa te intereseze ce spune lumea
Trebuie sa alegi singur pe cine vei iubii...
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