"Vreau sa cred ca m`am nascut cu un rost si ca voi fi o pata de culoare in povestea universului" [E de la o compunere. facuta de mine
Hei! Buna! Uite aici cateva, sper sa-ti fie de folos!
"Atentie! Ma fac actrita. Am sa-ti spun ca te iubesc. Ai sa ma mai crezi?"
What`s meant to happen, it will!
Everything happens for a reason!
"Ce inseamna fericirea? Sanatate buna si memorie proasta."
Daca stii sa privesti, orice clipa e o minune.
Marea imi da mereu inapoi, tot ceea ce oamenii imi iau.
I think that life was cand just a state of mind.
" It's an empty space that stands beside me now.Am I looking for someone that I just can't find.Cause all I do is think about you now. Till I'm there with you, coming back to you. "
Iar vantul sa-mi fluture visele departe, departe...