| Maxiela a întrebat:

Cine imi traduce in engleza niste propozitii corecte dar urgent in maxim 1 ora?
De ce vrei sa devii un microbiolog.
Cred ca calitatile necesare pta fi un bun microbiolog sunt; sa iti placa ceea ce faci, sa iti iubesti meseria, sa fii perseverent, sa te implici total, sa ai initiativa si spirit de autodisciplina.
In situatii dificile cu clientii nemultumiti mi-as pastra calmul si as incerca sa le explic cat mai bine problema pentru a intelege fara a imi pierde firea si a fi agresiva.
Atunci cand apare o problema ma gandesc de doua ori inainte de a lua o decizie pentru a nu gresi sunt hotarata si rationala pe situatie.
As vrea ca in acest domeniu sa descopar alte tipuri de bacterii pentru a gasi noi modalitati de invingere a bolii si antidoturi si sa imi ramana numele in istorie deoarece am descoperit ceva ce altora le va folosi.

Răspuns Câştigător
| Myssteriusthanlife a răspuns:

Why do you want to become a microbiologist.
I think the necessary qualities to be a good microbiologist PTA are, to love what you do, you love your job, be persistent, to get fully involved, to have initiative and spirit of self-discipline.

In difficult situations with unhappy customers would keep me calm and I try to explain how better to understand the problem without losing my temper and being aggressive.
When there is a problem think twice before taking a decision to be wrong are not determined and the situation rationally.

I want this area to discover other types of bacteria to find new ways to overcome the disease and antidotes and my name remain in history as we discovered something that others will use.
funda? plzzzz doar ti le-am tradus

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