sper ca te va ajuta
Toti suntem loviti de Genuine!? Ce viata... Daca aflu cum scap de Genuine te anunt.Bafta
Urmeaza urmatorii pasi:
. C>Windows>System32 si se dau rename la fisierele: WgaLogon. dll si WgaTray. exe de exemplu Wy. dll si Wz. exe moment in care ele nu mai pot opera.
2. C>Documents and Settings>All Users>Application Data>Windows Genuine Advantage si se da delete acestuia (Windows Genuine Advantage)
3. Restart
1. C>Windows>System32 si se dau rename la fisierele: WgaLogon. dll si WgaTray. exe de exemplu Wy. dll si Wz. exe moment in care ele nu mai pot opera.
2. C>Documents and Settings>All Users>Application Data>Windows Genuine Advantage si se da delete acestuia (Windows Genuine Advantage)
3. Restart
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