De fapt cred ca este Jane.
sursa :
Personal am cunoscut pe cineva in America numita Jean, deci ar merge oricare din variantele de mai sus.
Joana meaning and name origin
Joana \
jo(a)-na\ as a girl's name is a variant of Jane (Hebrew) and Joanna, and the meaning of Joana is "God is gracious".
The baby name Joana sounds like Ioana, Jana, Juana, Joan, Jeana, Jiana, Joane, Joann, Jonna, Johna, Yoana and Jona. Other similar baby names are Jovana, Jolana, Johana, Josana and Roana.
View a list of the 2 names that reference Joana.
Popularity of Joana
Joana is a very popular first name for women (#2077 out of 4276) but an uncommon surname or last name for all people. (1990 U.S. Census)
Displayed below is the baby names popularity of the name Joana for girls. (2010 statistics) Compare Joana with its source forms and related girl baby names.
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