Cum se traduce, pe google nu inteleg nimic :
Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see you baby, staying by my side
I’m goin down on my, on my knees for you
For your love I’d do it, for your sake, believe I’ll do it
If you don’t love me, why do you raise my hopes?
No matter what happens, I can't let you go
You got it wrong, I didn’t wanna hurt you
I wanna be all the world to you
I’ve not the faintest idea, why aren’t you talking to me
I’m tryna be the perfect man, you always want me to be
I’m accustomed; you’re a part of my life
Everything I told you honey, I’ve nothing to hide
You’re my lil angel, you're my lil star
I’m still waiting every hour; you're so close to my heart
All my life I’ve been waiting, for one moment in time
Were together I adore you, I so adore your sweet smile
Girl, I don’t give a damn about what somebody told you
I will ever be here cause baby I love you
If the worse comes to the worst, I’m gonna hold you
I feel you're far from believing me
We walked through the world, where nobody has been before
Turn back the hands of time, open every door
I swear I will allay your doubts and siow I love you more
To retrieve your affinity
Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see you baby, staying by my side
I’m goin down on my, on my knees for you
For your love I’d do it, for your sake, believe I’ll do it
If you don’t love me, why do you raise my hopes?
No matter what happens, I can't let you go
You got it wrong, I didn’t wanna hurt you
I wanna be all the world to you
Would you look into my eyes, put me out of my misery
I have never told lies; I hope that you come back to me
I want to spend my time in lovin you forever
No matter what happens, we must stick together
Come on trust my words; give me your heart back again
Kiss my lips, touch my hand, give me a second chance
My heart is pumping; have feeling that I’ve never felt,
But if I’m allowed to be with you, the love is coming to my world
So far as I remember you was perfectly happy
To find someone like me, in a world full of traffic
I’ll fulfill your dreams; it’s not only a taffy
You’re the only one for me
We walked through the world, where nobody has been before
Turn back the hands of time, open every door
I swear I will allay your doubts and siow I love you more
To retrieve your affinity
Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see you baby, staying by my side
I’m goin down on my, on my knees for you
For your love I’d do it, for your sake, believe I’ll do it
If you don’t love me, why do you raise my hopes?
No matter what happens, I can't let you go
You got it wrong, I didn’t wanna hurt you
I wanna be all the world to you
If you don’t love me, why do you raise my hopes?
No matter what happens, I can't let you go
You got it wrong, I didn’t wanna hurt you
I wanna be all the world to you
Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see you baby, staying by my side
I’m goin down on my, on my knees for you
For your love I’d do it, for your sake, believe I’ll do it
if you don’t love me, why do you raise my hopes
No matter what happens, I can't let you go
You got it wrong, I didn’t wanna hurt you
I wanna be all the world to you
Every day, day, day, day
Every night, night, night, night
Every day, day, day, day
Every night, night, night, night
I wanna see you baby (every day, day, day, day)
Staying by my side
Every day, day, day, day
Every night, night, night, night
Every day, day, day, day
Every night, night, night, nïght
I’m accustomed to you
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