"As vrea sa fiu si eu mutat in liga romaneasca pentru ca sunt roman si nu vreau sa joc in liga italiana, am fost dat automat in aceasta liga pentru ca eream in
Italia atunci cand mi-am facut contul si momentan sunt inca in Italia dar o sa revin in tara mea natala si as dor foarte mult sa joc in liga romaneasca,
va multumesc pentru intelegere". ACESTA ESTE TEXTUL> MULTUMESC DACA MA AJUTI.
I want to be moved in the Romanian league because I am Romanian and I don’t want to play in the Italian league, I have been assigned automatically in this league because I was in Italy when I created the account and momentary I am still in Italy but I will come back in my home country and I really want to play in the Romanian league. Thank you for your understanding.
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