Hello, i'm living in Spain, and i have tried for manny manny times to contact you with email, but noobody have benn answered, in facebook same thing, noobody answer. In you're site i have beed seen a lot of email adresses, but every single email adress give me a error when i send, and two of email adresses show has beed received, but no one answer. With this oportunity i send you this letter and i please you mr. if you can to send me every year calendary FHM, and when is received on the postal office i will pay delivery taxes. My electronic adress is : Florin47@hotmail.com contact me to this mail, when you have been read letter with an answer if you can or not to send me every year calendary FHM. Greetings from Spain, Florin
Tradus de mine fara google, bing sau alte porcarii, sper sa te ajute.
Daca nu e prea tarziu Florin... si google translate traducea mai bine decat asta care l-ai ales, oricat tupeu ar avea pustiu. E plini de greseli.
I live in Spain and I tried countless times before to contact you via e-mail, but to no avail. Same goes for Facebook, no reply.
I saw many e-Mail addresses on your site but some seem broke as they return error message when I use them. And I have yet to receive any reply from the remaining two that did worked.
Therefore, I am sending you this letter to ask of you - if possible - to send me each year the FHM calendar (the magasine is not necessary), and in return I will pay the transportation once it arrives (ramburs tax?).
My e-mail is Florin47@hotmail.com
Please contact me here once you read my letter, to let me know if you can or can't send me the yearly the FHM calendar as asked.
Best regards from Spain,
Doamne, nu sunt singur. Așa m-am gândit și eu când am citit scrisoarea puștiului. Să vezi ce răspunsuri câștigătoare... Copii din ziua de azi dau „laic" și fundă la primul lucru din fața ochilor.
Pe Sofer il stiu. E baiat bun. I-a si atras atentia pustiului ca are unele greseli fara sa fie nepoliticos.
Poate avea nevoie omul de o traducere cat mai rapid. E vina mea ca nu m-am prezentat la timp...
Fac engleza din clasa a 2a si am avut profesori Australieni si Englezi. Te asigur ca am tradus corect si mai plastic decat tine.
E ok ca unii golani mai reusesc sa invete o boaba doua si in alta limba. Dar tupeul ala de strada... sunt unele cercuri in care trebuie sa stii sa-l inghiti si sa asculti.