Vad cam multe greseli. O sa le iau pe rand.
"my name is Vivi and i'm fourteen years old.I live in... and what can i say about me? "
Corect e
"My name is Vivi and I'm fourteen years old. I live in... and what can I say about me? "
"I go for fun with my friends on the outside or we are going to the movies! i'm always smiling and i love life. Sometimes i can get angry very easy."
Corect e
"I like going out with friends or to the movies. I'm always smiling and I love life. Sometimes I can get angry very easily."
"Baschetball is my favorite sport.I could play it all day long, but i have to do homeworks and go to school. Speaking of school: my favorite subject is math, is easy to resolve problems."
Corect e
"Basketball is my favorite sport. I could play it all day long, but I have to do homework and go to school. Speaking of school, my favorite subject is math. It is/It's easy to solve problems."
"my favorite holiday is Christmas because in that day i meet family and enjoy my gifts.I love to make cookies with my mother and decorate the Christmastree with my sister..."
Corect e
"My favorite holiday is Christmas because on that day I meet (my) family and enjoy my gifts. I love to make cookies with my mother and decorate the Christmas tree with my sister..."
"My father is the one who put the gifts under the tree every year. in the Christmas night we eat a special dinner and listen carols together."
Corect e
"My father is the one who puts the gifts under the tree every year. At the Christmas night we eat a special dinner and listen to carols together."
"I do not think than I have many talents, but i'm good at music.I play the guitar, and i want in future to play at the piano.My guitar is epiphone (an acustic guitar) and i bought it two years ago.Is like a friend to me."
Corect e
"I do not think that I have many talents, but I'm good at music. I play the guitar and I want in the future to learn/be able to play the piano. My guitar is an epiphone (an acustic guitar) and I bought it two years ago. It is/it's like a friend to me."
"when i was little i wanted to sing in a band, but now, i want to do math in future, is a better career."
Corect e
"When I was little I wanted to sing in a band, but now, I want to do math in the future. It is/it's a better career."
In engleza, pronumele "eu", adica "I" se scrie intotdeauna cu litera mare. Compara varianta originala cu cea corectata si cauta diferentele ca sa vezi greselile. Le-am corectat pe toate (sper ca nu mi-a scapat vre-una).
In general, propozitiile comunica bine mesajul. Greselile sunt mici, dar un pic mai multa atentie.
Succes in continuare la engleza! Sper ca o sa te ajute asta.
1. La al doilea paragraf, prima propoziţie, mai bine ai scrie aşa ''i like going out with friends or watch movies with them.''
2. La ''speaking os school'' mai bine scrie ''about school''.
În rest e bine. Să iei 10!
Hmm. lasa-ma sa ti-o corectez:
My name is Vivi and i'm fourteen years old.I live in... and what can i say about me? -perfect!
I go for fun with my friends on the outside or we are going to the movies! i'm always smiling and i love life. Sometimes i can get angry very easy. -taie la 'on the outside' pe "the"; si la 'we are going to the movies' poti spune" we are going to see a movie"; iar la 'sometimes i can get angry very easy' poti taia pe "very easy".
Baschetball is my favorite sport.I could play it all day long, but i have to do homeworks and go to school. Speaking of school: my favorite subject is math, is easy to resolve problems.- "HOMEWORKS" E NENUMARABIL, deci scrie"homework"; la ultima propozitie, poti spune: "at school, my favourite subject is math, because the problems are very easy.".
My favorite holiday is Christmas because in that day i meet family and enjoy my gifts.I love to make cookies with my mother and decorate the Christmastree with my sister...-"i love to make cookies" poate fi inlocuit cu "i love making cookies"; si presupun ca "Christmastree" se scrie dezlegat
My father is the one who put the gifts under the tree every year. in the Christmas night we eat a special dinner and listen carols toghether. - perfect!
I do not think than I have many talents, but i'm good at music.I play the guitar, and i want in future to play at the piano.My guitar is epiphone (an acustic guitar) and i bought it two years ago.Is like a friend to me.- "i do not think" poate fi inlocuit cu "i don't think"; ce vrei sa spui la ultima propozitie? ca este ca al prietenului meu? daca-i asa, atunci scrie "this guitar is like my friend's"
When i was little i wanted to sing in a band, but now, i want to do math in future, is a better career.-perfect!
Nu au fost greseli mari chiar mici! Ai grija la ordonarea cuvintelor in propozitie si la exprimare
:* dar sfarsitul mi-a placut mult!
Sper ca te-am ajutat, Vivi!
sfjfhgjfbjdkghhjhfdn ANA bBia HJGCD UY HGY, hjhhnh. bvbkjgjr11111111! n
La teme nu se spune Homeworks ci homework. Nu e trebuie sa pui acel s. Asa mi-a spus profa de engleza, si eu faceam aceeasi greseala inainte
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