~ Nu il agita prea tare odata! Facebook-ul este foarte popular si foarte aglomerat de aceea merge si foarte greu.
Stiu eu raspunsul... Trimiti cerere la multe persoane odata si nu te accepta toti, adica daca trimiti la 30 de persoane cerere si 25 dintre ei nu accepta atunci automat vei fi blocat, ceea ce te sfatuiesc eu este sa le spui cine esti sau sa-ti scrii numele tau adevarat ca sa te recunoasca . Succes!
Nu mai poţi trimite cereri de prietenie timp de 30 de zile
You've continued to send friend requests to people who don't know you, even though you’ve been warned before.
Sending friend requests to people you don't know personally is against Facebook’s Terms and could be considered harassment.
If you don't change your behavior, you could be permanently blocked from sending friend requests.
I understand that sending friend requests to people I don’t know well is considered harassment.
nyoentox2002 întreabă: