Ce-ai patit papusa de te uiti urat? Ai ceva cu mine sau e doar teama de sine ca sunt mai buna ca tine?
Traducere Engleza: What happened doll look bad? Got something to me or just fear itself that are better than you?
Educat de destin.Simt mult si arat putin!
Traducere Engleza: Educated destiny. I feel more and show a little!
Femeia perfecta e plictisitoare iar barbatul perfect nu exista!
Traducere Engleza: Perfect woman is boring and perfect man does not exist!
Sunt o bucurie pentru cei care ma plac … si o preocupare pentru cei ce ma invidiaza
Traducere Engleza: There are a joy for those who like me... and a concern for those who envy me
Zbor peste tarfe si parerile lor, am defecte dupa care unii mor!
Traducere Engleza: Flying over the whores and their views have flaws and then some die!
Crede in iubire si traieste-ti viata, nimic nu e mai frumos decat sa iubesti
Traducere: Believe in love and live your life, nothing is more beautiful than lov
Parca astazi erai langa mine, acum numai esti, au ramas doar clipele pe care nu pot sa mi le scot din cap
Traducere: Like today you were next to me, now you’re only, remained just linger on that I can get them out of my head
Te vad peste tot nu imi pot imagina viata mea fara tine, sunt atat de multe lucruri pe care nu le pot uita….te iubesc
Traducere: See you everywhere I can not imagine my life without you, there are so many things that you can look … … I love you
Te uiti la el si ma vezi pe mine, iubirea nu imi da pace, inca te mai iubesc si nu stiu cum sa ti-o spun te simt pierduta iubire…. vino in viata mea si totul va fi bine; x
Traducere: You look at him and you see me, love never give me peace, yet you love and i don’t know how to say i feel lost love …. come in my life and everything will be fine; x
Parfumul meu in bluza ta, dragostea mea in sufletul tau, privirea mea in ochii lui ai avut dragostea mea nu ai stiut ce sa faci cu ea de astazi numai sunt al tau!
Traducere: My perfume in your blouse, my love in your soul, my eyes in his eyes you had my love you don’t know what to do with her today only are yours!
Nu-mi vine decat unul in minte: Be the change you want to see in the world!
Traducere: Fii schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in lume.
"Read this! Thankyou" & "I Want a Hug. But not just a normal hug.No.I want one of those pick-me-up-off-my-feet-squeeze-me-tight-spin-me-around-hurts-my-tummy-but-still-makes-me-smile-leaves-me-breathless-gives-me-butterflies-makes-me-giggle-stupidly cand of hug.
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