Buna! Sper ca te ajuta Funda?
I wanted to kill the sexiest person alive, but suicide’s a crime XDDD
I still repeat the things you said to me in my mind.
If I had a dick I would pull it out and piss on ‘em.
10 years deep and the same, still getting it.
A joke is a very serious thing.
All life is and experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
Pain was always my favorite pleasure.
I want you horror, I want you design
Cause you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine.
I thought it was over, but then I remember, that love lasts forever and we’ll be together.
Love always takes, two souls on fire.
I have the cutest daydream about you today.
But I keep your memory, you visit me in my sleep. My darling, who knew?
But tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart?
I’m so gone off your loving I don’t know why
Maybe it’s the way you love me, hold me, kiss me.
Because I love you.
I miss your smile, but I miss mine more. (:
With the lights out, it’s less dangerous.
Dear world, I’m right here. Why can’t you see me?
Even something really beautiful can be broken sometimes.
Friendship is not a big thing – it’s a million little things.
I’m sick of words, If you love me, show me.
No, I don’t believe you when you say you don’t need me anymore.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Waiting is the hardest part.
I hate it when you think your dream is real and then you wake up, you’re all dissapointed.
People change, and often, they become the persons they said they’ll never be.
Stop assuming that you know what I’m feeling.
I will respect those who respect me.
Sleeping is nice, you forget about anything for a while.
I’m not si. I just don’t like to talk when I have nothing meaningful to say.
You’re sorry? Oh, really? I’ll show you fuckin sorry.
Ceea ce crezi tu Conteaza prea putin pentru mine oricum fac tot ce imi vine Nu urmaresc chiar sa va displac Dar refuz sa va fac pe plac
Du`te. somn usoFa bine in viata mea sa nu te mai strecori Daca vrei sa mai dai ochii cu mine sa stai retine Ramai cat vrei dar nu incerca sa gandesti pentru mine.
O vezi? nu e trista,chiar deloc zambste suav, are privirea de foc.E dulce si o iubesti stii bine dar ea, deja nu se mai gandeste la tine
Poate ca ai vrea sa mai fii langa mine cum erai candva Dar fierbe tot sangele in tine cand stii ca imi vad de viata mea
Cel Mai Dureros Mod De A`ti Fi Dor De Cineva E Sa Stai Chiar Langa El, Stiind Ca Nu Il Poti Avea...
Friends are forever, boys are wathever
n-ai cum sa ma intelegi. nu m inteleg nici eu. sunt un nimeni, da. sunt un nimeni pentru. 99, 99% din univers. de ce? nu stiu, dar jur ca-mi place
Da! am crezut in ochii tai sinceri.Si Da! m-am ars.Si Da! te iubesc.Si Da! imi pare rau! Dar Nu! nu regret nimic!
Cand ingerii vor blestema pamantul, diavolii se vor inchina si muntii se vor muta din loc, atunci eu te voi uita... Tine atat minte...
Vreauu s` nu te bag in seama, s` te ignor, dar nu pot! e ca sh cum i`as spune inimii mele: "Nu mai bate! Stop!
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