Generation I (Game Boy)
Pocket Monsters: Red and Green
Pocket Monsters: Blue
Pokémon Red and Blue
Pokémon Yellow
Pokémon Trading Card Game
Game Boy Color
Pokémon Gold and Silver
Pokémon Crystal
(Game Boy Advance)
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Pokémon Emerald
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
Le poti gasi pe diferite site-uri de trente. Eu iti recomand
Exista mai multe versiuni. Pentru GB exista Pokemon Red ( ) si Pokemon Blue ( ).
Versiuni GBC sunt:
-Pokemon Yellow (
-Pokemon Gold (
-Pokemon Silver
-Pokemon Crystal
-Pokemon Daca Energy
Pot sa iti dau toate versiunile GBA:
-Pokemon Ruby
-Pokemon Sapphire
-Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire
-Pokemon Emerald
-Pokemon Firered
-Pokemon LeafGreen
Pokemon Advanced Anventure)
-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
Am si niste versiuni mai noi, daca te intereseaza:
-Pokemon Snakewood
-Pokemon CrystalDust
-Pokemon Flora Sky
-Pokemon Liquid Crystal
Scuze, nu era Daca, era Dark Energy
Silvana2487 întreabă: