She wants nothing more
but to be a little ***
He wants nothing less
But to wear a little dress
mda...ala e statusul meu
sunt niste versuri de la o melodie care imi place mie, acum nu ma astept sa imi dai funda sau asa ceva, pentru ca sunt sigura ca nu iti place statusul meu dar mie una imi place, a, si uite aici niste statusuri pe care le-am mai avut eu odata, si voi mai avea
"Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change.
Once a *** you're nothing more."
"You can treat this like another all the same
But don't cry like a *** when you feel the pain."
"And up here I am who I am
And if you don’t like it then *** you, man
I’m not a thief and a ***
Please don’t follow me around next time I’m shopping in your store
And up here I’m making you aware
That if you don’t like me well I don’t care
I’ll be exactly who I am and if you got a problem with it
Well that’s your problem, man."
"I want you to be free
Don't worry about me
And just like the movies
We play out our last scene"
"I'm finding me out
I'm having my doubts
I'm losing the best of me
We're all part of the same
Sick little games
And I need to get away."
apropo, alea nu sunt statusuri obisnuite, toate sunt versuri din niste melodii pe care le ador
sper sa iti placa
buh bye
Am vazut in oameni ce nu vroiam sa vad vreodata iubirea si ura cum lovesc ambele deodata
Am intentii bune, pe bune, n-ai tu idei,
Cate cuvinte frumoase pot spune, unei femei.
Am nevoie de-un minut, ca sa-ti stric dimineata,
Si de doua legate, sa te fac sa-ti iei viata.
CeI care ma critica si Ma invidiaza Vor doar sa ma scHimBe___PenTru cA vad in mine ceea cE Ei nu vor Fii niciodata
erau mai multe stelute linii si de-astea dar nu pot sa scriu aici, daca vrei lasa-mi adresa de mess pe privat
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