| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Hey happy
Idei de muzici rapp dar dinalea faine va rog! fundawinking pentru care imi place cel mai mult.

Răspuns Câştigător
| LilPeep a răspuns:

LiL PEEP: Nineteen,I crash u crash, your favorite dress, Benz Truck, Benz Truck Pt. 2, u said,haunt you,cobain,nothing to u,drive by,white wine, white tee, star shopping, never eat never sleep, falling 4 me,veins,live forever, crybaby, lil kennedy, gucci mane, 16 lines,interlude, let me bleed, etc,
Suicide boys, new chains same shackles, 2nd hand, now i'm up to my neck in offers, rag round my skull, fuckthepopulation.

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