Foarte bine ca ramai pe TPU. Eu am cativa ani pe aici si pot spune ca inca nu m-am plictisit de el.
Puteam sa-mi pun toti banii pe un pariu ca tu ramai pe site, castigam de 3 ori mai mult si imi ramaneau bani berechet sa mai fac si alte pariuri!
Tu? Dependent? Neh... Deloooc
In orice caz ma bucura decizia ta, mai ai multe de învățat de la maestrul tau
Asa este. Lumineaza-ma cu intelepciunea ta, Master Just.
I will, but not now, later on.
Patience is a virtue, little pupil.
Ok, I'll wait till the end of the time.
"The time" doesn't have an end. Just sayin so you can wait only till the end of your life. It won't take that much, anyway, therefore keep being patient
My life have no end, because I'm immortal and I'm also a cute vampire.
:)) Awww... We'll see. Time will tell, maybe i'll meet you in hell.
Cute? Really? It sounds so selfish.
I am the most selfish person on Earth.
Good to know, cause i'm also selfish, but not that much.