Hey, how is it going? Did anything interesting today?
P.S. Prostia asta de TPU auto 'corecteaza' unele cuvinte din engleza, sorry about that.
Si el poate sa zica ceva de genul: Not much, just went to a waterpark with my sister.
Si de acolo poti sa te legi de alte subiecte, gen:
Oh, cool, what cand of rides do they have at that water parca? I've been to a waterpark here last year, it was pretty cool, but I scraped my elbow during on one of the slides.
Si tot asa.
P.S. Prostia asta de TPU auto 'corecteaza' unele cuvinte din engleza :/
Ouch, mi-a facut TPU raspunsul varza...
Am incercat sa-l editez si mi-a mancat din el, etc.
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