Gentlemen, please send me in electronic form, prices for these products to open a business. I need the offer to be valid 120 days. For this, please give me prices to include the percentage by which proposed that may increase the amount of products required. Please, communicate to me the payment methods.
Hello, please send me a list of prices with the following products concerning a bussiness I wish to soon start. I need the offer to remain valid for at least 120 days, that’s why I would also like to ask you to include the estimated percentage of price growth for those products. Also, please instruct me on the available payment methods.
Laura, nu ma deranjeaza ca ai dat fundita altcuiva din moment ce stai rau cu engleza, insa te rog sa folosesti textul meu pentru ca din celelalte se vede ca sunt scrise de romani.
My dear gentalman I ll ask you to send me via e mail the price for the next produce I need thi price for my busines. If is posybyl the price I ask for to be for next 120 days. I ask you if is posybyl to send me the price whith devaluation you think this produce may grow up.Plese send me also in which cand of type you accept the payment
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