Când egalitatea este înţeleasă pe deplin şi nu e trunchiată...
Câtă urâţenie la un loc... Parcă a plouat cu voi.
Atâta prostie oarbă şi arogantă, atâta nesimţire şi ură...
Dar, totuşi, e o reacţie firească la un adevăr incomod şi încercarea de a-l ridiculiza, de a-l cârcoti pueril, este doar primul pas spre acceptarea lui. Nici Roma nu s-a construit într-o zi...deci există speranţe pentru toţi.
°E o calitate a omului prost sa vada doar greselile altora, nu si ale lui ° - Cicero
E bine că măcar recunoşti că nu eşti foarte inteligent.
Nu esti in stare sa scrii un rand? Trebuia sa editezi ca sa scrii si "nu"?
. Macar cand cineva cu adevarat inteligent ma face prost, poate atunci m-as simti dar in cazul tau nu se pune problema. CIneva a zis bine mai sus, veganismul devine religie. Numai religiosii cred ca duc o viata mai buna pentru ca sunt credinciosi.
Eşti la fel de ridicol, ca cei care afirmă că ateismul e o religie.
DIn nou, nimic original. Gata, nu imi mai bat capul cu tine, nu esti in stare de nimic.
Bine că tu eşti foarte original şi sclipeşti de inteligenţă.
Mersi pisi :X
Nu iti mai bate capul cu tipi de genul. Are o idee fixa doar de el cunoscuta. Lasa-l in lumea lui de vise. El are ce are cu toata lumea. Nu iti mai pierde timpul sa ii dai explicatii.
Urasc oamenii patetici. Imi da ignore ca sa nu ii raspund dar imi urmareste totusi posturile
De parcă tu nu făceai la fel. Da' mai şi vorbeai de mine într-una, ca un obsedat. Văd că nici acum nu poţi trăi fără mine.
E diferenta intre una care nu suporta ca cineva sa aiba o parere diferita fata de ea, si tu care esti o sexista care incepe sa insulte o persoana doar pèntru ca are penis. Dar cum am zis mai sus, prostii nu isi vad propria prostie. Promit ca numai postez. nu de alta dar iar sare Cristina pe mine.
PS- Lasa, stim amandoi ca ti-a fost dor de mine, cine mai radea de tine daca nu eu -
Aha, imaginarul tău penis mă irită, nu atitudinea ta de imbecil. Aberezi, ca de obicei. Dintre noi doi dacă şi e cineva sexist, acela eşti tu. Nu rezişti o săptămână fără să te legi de fete şi m-am plictisit deja de câte clişee sexiste am citit la tine. Ipocrizia e calitatea ta cea mai evidentă... poate numai după prostie, de care îi acuzi pe toţi.
Tu ai observat ca Florentina isi alege cateva "victime" complet lipsite de bun simt si moralitate, apoi ii cauta pe cei cu care "victimele" nu se suporta si se imprieteneste cu ei?
Doar asa sa aiba si ea cu cine sa vorbeasca. "Alde" Noname mai sus, in loc sa imi multumeasca ca o bag in seama ( de fel. unicul purtator de penis care o baga in seama de buna voie ) zice ca sunt obsedat . AU ceva fetele de genul cu cuvantul asta. DIncolo am vazut ca Flori te-a facut obsedata sexual parca
Varsă-ţi frustrările în altă parte, te rog!
Doare adevarul de debitezi prostii ca "Varsă-ţi frustrările în altă parte"? Uita-te inainte in oglinda colega .
Eşti paralel cu adevărul.
Maaaaai, tu ce ai facut? Chiar te-ai uitat in oglinda?
Tu si semnul '''', ne-am dat dracu de tot cu acest ''fapt''!
Nu ii mai da satisfactie ''domnului'' in cauza. Are o viata pe care si-o petrece virtual. Ce sa ii faci daca in societate nu se poate integra, macar online sa critice si sa judece, atat!
Hai ma ca nu sunt asa negativist. NU ma pot abtine cand dau de specimene ca FLori sau Noname dar in general ma inteleg bine cu restul .
APp. Spune-i ferbleteii tale sa isi bage capul inapoi sub fusta mamei si sa nu faca pe matura ca pute a ipocrizie .
Noname, psssst, vezi ca FLori a postat ceva "impotriva" mea, da-i voturi folositoare. Cica nu suntem prieteni
Undeee? Eu de ce nu am vazut ca cineva imi face complimente?
Da' ce treaba sa am eu cu ea? Doar tastam aici, nu facem altceva in particular. E fix disputa voastra, cum am mai spus-o/
SI eu care credeam ca sunteti impreuna dar va ascundeti de ochii lumii
BWUAHAHAHAHAHA! Nici intr-un caz, ai prezis stramb!
''SI eu care credeam ca sunteti impreuna dar va ascundeti de ochii lumii '' dobitoc mai mare nici ca am vazut. oricum il las in bafta sa. Sa scrie ce o vrea, de acum nu ma mai complic cu persoane interzise de catre societate ca ''dumnealui''.
m-a facut sa rad nebunul!
Preziceri si preziceri, pronostic total gresit a dat!
Frumos, ati facut echipa impotriva mea. Unde e oare Noname, clar ea tine cu mine .
Nu ma intereseaza ce pronostic a dat el. Faza e ca, manifesta o penibilitate peste media admisa!
Trebuie sa te amuze idiotii care raspund cu aceeasi moneda dar se cred superiori .
"IF VEGANISM WAS A RELIGION, IT WOULD BE THE MOST PRODUCTIVE ONE, as it will make it so heaven is here, now. vegans are the pioneers to a highly compassionate and sustainable future. being dismissive of ideas that are visionary is not the sign of an open and critical mind...it shows you are suffering from cognitive dissonance. and please, do not make excuses, or distract yourself by how you perceive the message is being shared and attack the messenger. OPEN YOUR HEART TO THE IDEA OF LOVE & JUSTICE FOR ALL! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"DECENT PEOPLE ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG AND THEN MAKE IT RIGHT! Bob Comis like the "Mad Cowdoy" Howard Lyman, felt guilt for making money off the pain and suffering of his fellow Earthlings and now speaks for them, instead. we all came from a cult(ure) that indoctrinated us into believing animals are here for us to use, but so many of us found a way to free ourselves from the Meatrix. thanks, Bob for choosing the higher road. ALL ROADS OF LOVE LEAD TO VEGANISM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
Apropo de toată violenţa concentrată pe aici...
"IF YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, THEN NOT EATING VIOLENCE MAKES YOU LESS VIOLENT it would seem, but the proof is in the pudding, the vegan pudding, that is. this study is an eye opener. Leo Tolstoy said, paraphrased: "we will not get rid of war, until we get rid of slaughterhouses". and it makes sense, that sanctioning violence to animals okays it for humans, too. WE CANNOT IGNORE THE FACT THAT VIOLENCE BREEDS VIOLENCE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
Apropo de acceptarea diversităţii inofensive, de care vorbeam în întrebare:
Că tot vorbeam de ipocrizie:
E greu de imaginat, dar sunt societăţi chiar mai bolnave decât a noastră:
O serie de idei mişto, de reflectat:
(omul parcă mi-a răspuns la întrebare, înainte să o pun)
Alte exemple de ignoranţă şi la ce duce ea, alimentată de religie şi viceversa:
...se aplică perfect şi aici:
"A KISS BEFORE DYING, FOR ANOTHER OF MY K-I-N-D! these two victims of discrimination are on death row. their crime? being born a pig, in a place and time that sees them as "consumable" and they are seeking comfort from each other in this concentration camp set up to supply the "substance of choice" to bacon junkies. remember, it is not really a choice, when there is a victim! IT IS NOT FOOD, IT IS AN INJUSTICE!"
Cred că cel mai mare coşmar al meu e când mă imaginez un animal non-uman, vulnerabil, terifiat, disperat şi neputincios, în mâinile unui sadist uman, pentru care asta e normalitate şi care nu se va opri din a mă tortura, orice aş face...chiar de aş putea face ceva.
"A TERRIFIED, HELPLESS SOUL LOOKS AT THE FACE OF HIS TERRORISTS, hoping to see any signs of compassion, but these junk scientists are paid by Big Pharma and they do not care for his feelings. please, sign below, and share widely and keep boycotting all products that come from animal use and abuse. to call ourselves civilized, TERRORISM MUST STOP TOWARDS ANIMALS, TOO. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"EYES LOOKING OUT INTO A WORLD THAT HAS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST THEM, as the brainwashing propaganda has made them murder victims of hate crimes. there are more animals being killed right now, in five days, than all humans in our recorded history. taking offense to the comparison, is just more discrimination. many who have survived the Holocaust have spoken against this current one. ALL SENTIENT LIFE MUST BE PROTECTED FROM GENOCIDE."
"WHEN YOUR HEART IS INTER-CONNECTED WITH THOSE OF OTHERS, because it has not closed down, you can feel their pain and suffering, as well as their joy. and this Animal Holocaust we are now perpetuating is causing too much sorrow for those it is happening to, and those who care. let them feel joy! CLOSE DOWN THE SLAUGHTERHOUSES, NOT YOUR HEARTS!"
"SO MANY CLAIM THAT EATING DEAD BEINGS IS SANCTIONED BY "THEIR" CHURCH, yet they believe they think for themselves. harming other beings, when not needed, is a universal crime. humans not only do not need to eat meat, it kills us early. stop letting anyone or anything tell you who to love and who to eat! ALL SENTIENT LIFE DESERVES TO BE FREE FROM OUR HARM."
Philip Wollen : Animals Should Be Off The Menu debate.
"ALL LEADERS OF NEW MOVEMENTS ARE CALLED "RADICAL" AND "EXTREME", because most want to be left in their comfort zones, but all these same leaders are hailed as visionaries by those that come after them."
"AN ALARM CLOCK IS OFTEN NEEDED TO AWAKEN THOSE THAT ARE IN A DEEP SLEEP, but how many actually like their alarm clocks and thank them for waking them up? vegans are now being hated on more than others by so many...all because people want to stay asleep. non-vegans, stop blaming the messenger for the message that is not comforting to those that do not like change. HUMANS MUST NOW EVOLVE TO BECOMING VEGAN STEWARDS."
"WE KILL MORE ANIMAL IN FOUR DAYS THAN ALL HUMANS HAVE BEEN KILLED in recorded history and we dare call ourselves civilized. we need to earn the title of being humane. but we are failing at our moral test concerning the animals, miserably. do not partake in our current circle of death, stop buying any animal products, or products that cause their suffering, DO NOT BUY ANY OF THE HELL, THEY SELL!"
"BILLIONS OF MOTHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN CRY AND SUFFER, because of this unnatural separation, every year. each crate you see here, has one of these children alone, in it. they were taken away at birth, so the dairy thieves can steal their milk. every child needs their mother, and every mother wants to nurture their child. we must not get between them, ever. DO NOT STEAL THE FOOD FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES!"
Beyond Carnism and toward Rational, Authentic Food Choices | Melanie Joy | TEDxMünchen