YAHOO! MESSENGER is unable to download files needed for installation.Please check firewall settings and retry installation
0. Inchide firewall-ul din windows ! Te duci in Start->control panel->system and security->firewall ->aici il inchizi. Daca ai firewall la antivirus ->inchide-l si pe acela .(pana descarci)
1. Deschide Internet Explorer
2. Tools > Internet Options -> Connections tab
3. LAN Settings
4. Proxy server checkbox, daca e bifata, debifeaza
5. Apasa Done, apoi ok
6. Incearca sa instalezi si apoi sa intrii pe Yahoo Messenger.
Daca dupa toate astea ,tot nu merge ATUNCI ->>>
Curata registry cu CCleaner.
Ruleaza asta:
Apoi reseteaza IE:
Restart PC. Succes !