| anonim_2758 a întrebat:

Sal TPU fundita plz cine stie bine engleza...va rog nu e greu traduceti-mi astap plz:

Buna.Ma numesc x si am x ani.Sunt foarte entuziasmat sa aflu mai mutle despre tine.

Eu am un frate de 18 ani care locuieste cu mine.Pe mama mea o cheama x.Imi place sa inot, sa mananc, rolele, bicicleta, in special sa stau pe calculator si cu prieteni.

Mi-a placut mult cadoul tau si multumesc. Abia astept sa imi scrii prietene.

Cu drag

5 răspunsuri:
| Andrushk_4587 a răspuns:

Hi. my name is x and i have x years. i am very excitant to find more about you.
i have a brother and he have eighteen years who live with me.my mother's name is love struck. i like to swim, to eat, rolls, the bike... but special to stay at the computer and with my friends.
i liked much your present (give it to me= care mi l-ai dat). i hope to write me.my friend.
with love
x imi dai si mie fundita? pls.ca nu l-am facut cu google. translatelaughing am numai media 10 la engleza in totii aniibig grinbig grin: sunt cls a 6 -a

| Sua a răspuns:

Hi! My name is x and I'm x years old. I'm very excited to find more about you.

I have a brother. He's 18 who lives with me. I have a mother too and her name is x. I like to swim, to eat, the rolls, the bike. I like to play on computer and to stay with my friends too.

I liked your present and I hope to see you soon!

kisses and hugs. your friend x

| RaduHD a răspuns:

Hi. my name is x and i have x years. i am very enthusiasm to find more about you

I have a bro and he's 18, wich leaves with me.My mom name is X.
I like to swip, to eat, rolls, to bike, in special to stay at PC with my friends.
Ce-a mai buna traducere de aici happy PLS Fonda
I liked very much the present you gived to me, and thx. I hope you write me soon, Friend

With Love


| annakarenina a răspuns:

Hi! My name is X and I am X years old. I am excited to find out more about you.
I have a brother that is 18 years old. He lives with me.
My mother`s name is X.
I like to swim, to eat, to skate and my best passion is to speack with my friends on the computer.
I enjoyed very much your present, thank you.
See you soon!
Best wishes X.
daca vrei sa te mai ajut uite id-ul meu : nestor_aav

| yohasensei a răspuns:

Hallo, my name is x and I have x years old. I'm very excited to know more about you.I have brother and he's eighteen years old and he live with me.My mother is x. I like to swimm, to eat, to walk with skates, to go with bike, and especialy to stay at computer and with my friends. I really liked your present and thank you. I already wait for your writting. With love x.