| zurick a întrebat:

Cine se pricepe la engleza? Am nevoie de ajutor sa traduc un text corect.(nu pot folosi google traducere)Funda pentru cel care ma ajuta!

Răspuns Câştigător
| adinaxD a răspuns:

The Loch Ness Monster
Another mystery, that is not, actually, just a myth is the monster of Loch Ness. There are a lot of theories related to it. Among others, is believed to be about a plesiosaur- the last dinosaur alive.
However, the stories about the Loch Ness monster dates back about 1500 years ago, means that we're talking about a very old monster! And assuming it would had multiplied, where are the concrete evidence? The pictures? Remains of this dinosaur? What we know for sure is that the monster of Loch Ness captivate a lot of tourist in every year/ annually.
Sper sa fie bine!

5 răspunsuri:
| adinaxD a răspuns:

Salut! Ma descurc cat de cat la engleza.Care este textul?

| zurick explică (pentru adinaxD):

Monstrul din Loch Ness

Un alt mister, ce nu este, de fapt, decat un mit, este cel al monstrului din Loch Ness. Exista o multime de teorii legate de acesta. Printre altele, se crede ca ar fi vorba despre un plesiozaur – ultimul dinozaur in viata.

Cum, insa, povestile despre monstrul din Loch Ness dateaza de acum circa 1500 de ani, inseamna ca vorbim despre un monstru foarte batran! Si presupunand ca s-ar fi inmultit, unde sunt dovezile concrete? Pozele? Ramasitele acestui dinozaur? Ce stim sigur este ca monstrul din Loch Ness atrage o multime de turisti an de an

| zurick explică (pentru adinaxD):

Mersi ca m-ai ajutat love struck Ai fundita!

| adinaxD a răspuns (pentru zurick):

Cu multa placere!
Merci si eu pentru funda. happy

| adinaxD a răspuns (pentru zurick):

The Loch Ness Monster
Another mystery, that is not, actually, just a myth is the monster of Loch Ness. There are a lot of theories related to it. Among others, is believed to be about a plesiosaur- the last dinosaur alive.
However, the stories about the Loch Ness monster dates back about 1500 years ago, means that we're talking about a very old monster! And assuming it would had multiplied, where are the concrete evidence? The pictures? Remains of this dinosaur? What we know for sure is that the monster of Loch Ness captivate a lot of tourist in every year/ annually.
Sper sa fie bine!

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