1. We have to look for the facts, not words (trebuie sa ne uitam la fapte, nu la vorbe);
2. Don’t be sad, don’t be blue.Frankenstein was ugly too (nu fi trist, nu fi suparat, si Frankentein era urat);
3. He who laughs last, laughs best! But he who laughs first, sees the point (cel care rade la urma, rade mai bine! Dar cel care rade primul, intelege poanta);
4. To be or not to be, this is the question (a fi sau a nu fi, aceasta este intrebarea);
5. A bad workman always blames his tools (un muncitor prost da intotdeauna vina pe unelte)
6. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (o pasare in mana face mai mult decat doua pasari din tufis);
7. A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind (un prieten adevarat este greu de gasit; sa tii minte asta)
8. A friend in need it’s a frienf indeed (prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste);
9. A smile doesn’t cost anything (un zambet nu costa nimic);
10. Always imitate the behavior of the winners when you lose (intodeauna imita comportamentul invingatorilor atunci cand pierzi);
1. Confusius say: Man who eat jelly beans fart in technicolor
2. Todays another day time for new beginnings, yesterday I said mean
things, but you know I didn’t mean it. It’s like running out on someone
you love even though you still love them, all I needed was time to
think, and realize how lucky I am. So when I said don’t talk to me and
slammed the door in your face, what I meant to say was I love you and
my door is always open, life wouldn’t be the same without you by me
every step of the way.
3. Im not addicted…I’m just affraid of that voice that says ‘goodbye’
4. My two biggest problems are addiction to the internet and
procrastination. I’m away from the Internet now…I’ll work on
procrastination later.
5. I hate it when someone asks me ‘If everyone else jumped off a
bridge, would you do it too?’ So, I’m on my way to go jump off a bridge
because I wanted to be a trend setter and jump off the bridge first. I
won’t be jumping just because everyone else did!
6. Notice how you and me are always online at the same time? You must be addicted.
7. If you got this message, I pulled myself off the computer in
order to take a brief break. I really doubt that I’ll be gone long, and
if I am, I am most definatly going through withdrawl, so please, stay,
talk, I will return within seconds.
9. Cute enough to make you look twice, Sweet enough but not too
nice, A lil crazy but not too wild, The kinda girl that’ll make you
10. God made mud, God made dirt, God made boys so girls can flirt.
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