Pai da. Ca te-ai uitat in raspunsurile mele
Să mor dacă m-am uitat la nimereală am zis-o.
Sondaj de OPINIE vizavi de vârstă?
Opinia mea e că am 118 ani.
What can I say.
''I feel very old, but not very wise.''
Well, of course you are not wise. You're a woman.
Well. Thank goodness you're wiser in making that assertion about someone you do not know. Right?
It's called sarcasm. Remember?
Right...vaguely. But how am I supposed to perceive sarcasm through sheer writing, though? No voice, no facial expression. It is rather difficult, you've got to give me that.
So what are you suggesting?
How about putting an end to this utterly useless and irrelevant conversation?
Wow. Excuse me for wasting your precious time
You're forgiven.
O zi bună.
In general iti dau 12, dar azi sunt generos si iti dau 12 jumate
Du-te sa-ti bei lapticu`. S-a racit.
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