| Amaliasorina a întrebat:

Stie cineva ce semnifica tatuajele cu stele rusesti stiu cã este ceva legat de mafioti rusi dar mai mult nu stiu.Dau funda la rãspunsul corect..ps:nu puneti linkuri sã le accesez deoarece nu merge

Răspuns Câştigător
| Theo94 a răspuns:

Am gasit asta:
"The stars convey a certain status depending on where they’re located on the body. For example, when the stars are placed on the knees, it’s-a sign the wearer demands respect. The meaning is, "I will never get on my knees for anyone."

The wearer has a high rank if stars are placed on the chest. Only the most respected prisoners can wear the thieves’ stars on their chests."


"Stars – Indicate authority. On the shoulders or the knees ("I kneel to no-one"). The eight-pointed star denotes rank as thief in law depending on where it is placed."


"Depending on the location on the body, the stars convey a prisoner’s status. When worn on the knees, the stars are a sign of a prisoner who commands respect. The implied meaning is "I will never get on my knees in front of anyone."

Stars on the chest mark a higher rank. Only the most respected can wear the thieves’ stars in that area of the body. The tattoos must be earned, and an inmate wearing an undeserved tattoo risks a beating or worse."


Am pus link-uri ca sa vezi sursa.

3 răspunsuri:
| Sigmaboy32 a răspuns:

Simbolizeaza familia joestar cauta pe google

| Amaliasorina explică (pentru Sigmaboy32):

Nu are nici o legãturã stelele rusesti cu ce rãspuns ai dat tu?

| Sigmaboy32 a răspuns (pentru Amaliasorina):

Ba da frate documenteazate