| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Un "cuplu" de homosexuali au resuit sa gaseasca o femeie dispusa sa le faca un copil. La un moment dat in timpul celui de-al doilea trimestru de sarcina, femeia a descoperit ca are cancer.
"Unwilling to abort the baby, the surrogate mother and her family were left trying to find a hospital where she would be allowed to deliver the baby early, in order to allow her to begin her cancer treatment. They knew that at this stage in the pregnancy the baby might not survive but that with support from the hospital staff, the baby could possibly survive."
"The two intended fathers wanted her to abort the baby because they didn’t want a baby who would be born prematurely, and who may have serious medical needs."
"The fathers refused to entertain the idea of allowing the baby, if delivered alive, to be adopted by the surrogate or someone else. The fathers stated they didn’t want their "DNA out there" being raised by someone else. Even one of the surrogate’s doctors said they knew someone willing to adopt the baby, but the fathers just wanted a "death certificate" for the child and asked that no life saving measures be performed on the baby if he was born alive."

Au facut ceva gresit acesti doi barbati?

126 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 explică (pentru anonim_4396):

E irelevant

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru anonim_4396):

E tot ce conteaza.

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru anonim_4396):

E factorul decisiv

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru anonim_4396):

Nu e

| NoTurbinaNoGood a răspuns:

Durea-m-ar in plua de dramele unora de pe alte continente, la care nu am participat, si nici de as vrea, nu as avea cum sa particip.
Ce sens are sa 'judecam' noi ce pretind niste jurnalisti ca s-ar fi intamplat, ei alegand contextul si modul in care ne expun acea intamplare?

| fertilitycentresiliguri a răspuns:

In this situation, the ethical considerations are complex. On one hand, the intended fathers have a right to make decisions regarding their child's future, including concerns about the potential health risks and lifelong medical needs of a prematurely born baby. On the other hand, the surrogate mother's desire to save the baby's life and the possibility of adoption presents a morally challenging scenario.

Many would argue that prioritizing the life of the unborn child, especially when a willing adoptive family is available, is the more compassionate choice. The intended fathers' refusal to allow life-saving measures or consider adoption could be viewed as a decision that lacks empathy for both the surrogate and the unborn child.

If you are seeking surrogacy services and compassionate care throughout the process, visit our website: for more information.