The mirror is a reflection... It's-a reflection, so it shows how we look like in reverse. Because we're so used to seeing the reverse version of ourselves, seeing how we look in pictures can be jarring. And unless you're blessed with a perfectly symmetrical face, the photo version of yourself can be even more wonky.Jul 30, 2018
Sincer eu cred ca camera foto mareste prea mult trasaturile fetei in timp ce oglinda iti arata adevaratele tale trasaturi.
Tu poti sa crezi ce vrei, eu ti-am dovedit ca cum te vede camera te vad alti
In oglinda iti vezi multe imperfectiuni ale fetei.
Aratam cum ne vad ceilalti persoane apropiate, prieteni, familie, iubiti/iubite
Sincer eu cred ca camera foto mareste prea mult trasaturile fetei in timp ce oglinda iti arata adevaratele tale trasaturi. Si eu la fel ma vad urata in poze dar mna am auzit ca in poze nu esti tu in proportie de 5%.
Probail asa este.