I can`t live my life without my angel!; x[Nu pot sa traiesc fara ingerul meu]
Take me as i am[Ia-ma asa cum sunt]
Nobody can ever take your place [ Nimeni nu poate lua vreodata locul tau ]
Live for today because yesterdays are over and tomorrows may never come [Traieste pentru astazi pentru ca ieri s-a terminat si maine s-ar putea sa nu mai vina]
Dream as if you live forever and live as if you die today [Viseaza ca si cum ai trai pentru totdeauna si traieste ca si cum ai muri azi]
Learn from yesterday,live for today,hope for tomorrow(Invata din ieri, traieste pentru azi, spera pentru maine)
Good friends are like stars.you don't always see them, but you know they're always there!(Prietenii buni sunt ca stelele.nu ii vezi intotdeauna dar stii ca mereu sunt acolo.)
Sick of crying. tired of trying.Yes! I`m smiling! But inside I`m dying...(M-am saturat sa plang.M-am saturat sa incerc.Da! Zambesc! Dar inauntru mor.)
Sa stii ca nu-mi lipsesti. Imi lipseste doar cel care credeam ca esti. (I don’t miss you, I miss the person I thought you were. Don’t come back hoping I’ll be there.)
For every 60 seconds. you stay angry, you lose a minute of the beautiful life that nobody can give you back... so you learn to be happy and smile[Pentru fiecare 60 de secunde. in care stai suparat, pierzi un minut din viata frumoasa pe care nimeni nu ti-o poate da inapoi… asa ca invata si tu sa fii fericit si sa zambesti!]
hate finishing a good book. It’s like saying goodbye to a very dear friend.
(urasc sfirsitul unei carti bune.e ca si cum ai spune la revedere unui bun prieten)
Don't play with Me, because I can play better
(nu te juca cu mine eu ma joc mai bine)
If you open your eyes, inspiration is everywhere.))
(daca vei deschide ochi, inspiratia este pretutindeni)
Life is short! Eat dessert first.)
( viata e scurta maninca desertul intii)
I’m single. and I’m okay with that!
(sunt singura si mi-e bine asa)
the best or nothing!
(cel mai bun sau nimic)
let's be happy.)
(hai sa fim fericiti)
Today is a new day =)
(astazi e o zi noua)
Dear Love, where are you?
(draga iubire unde esti?)
Let's go back to the happy days!))
(sa ne intoarcem in zilele fericite)
Te lasi dusa de val.Dar niciodata nu te ineci-Playing taken away. But you never drown
Feel like flying=Simti ca zbori
Tomorrow will be the same.-Maine va fi la fel.
Happy anywhere anytime.-Fericita oriunde, Oricand.
Shut up. But until today?-Taci azi.Dar pana cand?
I need what's mine-Am nevoie de ce e al meu
And if I like to be more foolish?-Si daca imi place sa fiu mai nebuna ce?
I hope you like:X
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