Ca sa stii despre ce e vorba îți las o explicație mai detaliata lângă:
R.S.V.P. – This means "Répondez s'il vous plait," French for "respond, if you please." It is often used on invitations to parties and special events, and is intended (as it says) to be responded to with a "yes, we will attend," or "no, we will not."
A.S.A.P. – "As soon as possible," used when encouraging someone to respond to a request without delay.
E.T.A. – This acronym means "estimated time of arrival," and is used as a guess for when one expects to arrive while traveling.
B.Y.O.B. – "Bring your own bottle" is used for parties where guests are expected to bring their own beverages.
D.I.Y. – This acronym stands for "do it yourself," which means creating something on your own.
AFK - away from keyboard
ANI - age not important
BRB - be right back
CUL - see you later
CWYL - chat with you later
IIRC - if I recall/remember correctly
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