'' ALTHOUGH the people living in the small Jewish villages in Russia had grown used to the constant persecutions of the Tsars, there was one time when a particularly cruel Tsar arose. Not only did he demand a tenth of all the bread they baked, but he demanded that the royal portion should come from the middle of each loaf, so ruining it. The wise men of Chelm got together to discuss how to overcome this terrible burden. Eventually, they came upon a brilliant idea. They baked small, round loaves of bread, with a hole in the middle. The hole was exactly one tenth the size of the rest of the loaf. When the Tsar's soldiers came to collect the royal tithe, the wise men of Chelm presented them with the holes, pointing out that this was the middle portion of the loaf, just as the Tsar had instructed. The soldiers couldn't argue with this and went away empty-handed. Incidentally, in Israel, bagels have much larger holes, as a protest against the high taxation in that country. ''
Să-ți bagi tu degetul pe gaura aia?, sa experimentezi penetrarea dacă ești băiat,și plăcerea daca esti fata?, sau ei pun acele chipsuri pe un băț, știi pe bagă prin gaura aia și dupa aceea le pun la copt, de asta au găuri, cred, e și logic?
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