1. better known, clar. more nu este acceptat.
2. ''since'' ca si constructie = ''de vreme ce'' il poti folosi cu orice timp- Since you go to scholl, you must do you homework. since (referitor la timp, ex since eigth o'clock = de la ora opt) se foloseste cu past perfect continuous- I have been waiting you since eigth o'clock.
3. ambele sunt corecte. petrece/dedica 4 ore. tot aia e.
La prima e better
la a 2 nu stiu
si la a 3 suna mai bine spends(petrece) decat devotes(e devotat)
1) Better known cu siguranta
2) "Since" se foloseste numai la present perfect (I have lived there since 1920)
3) Se potrivesc amandoua, dar zic ca suna mai bine "spends"
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