For conception to occur, the sperm must travel through the vagina, past the cervix, into the uterus, and into the distal third of the fallopian tube. The cervix is a muscular ring around the base of the uterus. This means the average sperm has to travel about 4-5 inches through the vagina, another 2-3 inches of a non-pregnant uterus, and then get into the fallopian tube itself. Which adds another 3-4 inches of travel time. All said, a sperm has to make 9 to 12 inches of distance on its own. While dealing with the acidic environment of the vagina and the vaginal secretions that impede movement. All in all nearly 40-250 MILLION sperm are ejaculated into the vagina - of which roughly fewer than 200 actually reach the fallopian tube.
Now, in the scenario that the ejaculate has somehow made contact with a finger after removing a condom and reinserted into the vagina will not only lose the seminal fluid protective coating and probably destroy a majority of sperm to begin with due to room temperature.
I really hate to break it to people, but it's not easy to get pregnant. The idea that you can actually reintroduce sperm into the vagina through your fingers / mouth / toe / ear / whatever else you feel like sticking in a girls vagina and somehow magically make someone pregnant is so astronomically unlikely that to worry about it is absurd. Believe me, if it was that easy then a lot of fertility clinics would be out of business.
Interesant articolul. Pe net vad ca nu s-a raportat vreun caz, sunt numai întrebări de genul, însă, niciun caz concret. Eu nu cred ca este posibil. Cum se specifica mai sus. Credem ca este usor ca cineva sa rămână însărcinată, însă, nu este chiar atât de simplu.
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