| ZUzulikii a întrebat:

Buna cine ma poate ajuta si pe mine va rog frumos...

Primeste funda:X:X

1)Fill each gap with a suitable verb from the box making any necessary changes.(to hold, to win, to break, to beat, to take up, to score, to practise, to lose.

a)I think this time the champion will be...by his much younger opponent.

b)She...for hours every day but coach still isn't satisfed.

c)They didn't play badly at all; it's a pity they...the game.

d)My friend...the winning goal seconds before half-time.

e)Our team...by ten points and now everybody is out in the streets celebrating.

f)Because of the bad weather no records were...at last week's championships.

g)Is is a Kenyan who...the world record for 5000 metres?

h)I'm going to...jopigging. That should help me to keep fit

[Scuzati. mi categoria da am nev urgentcrying]

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Nu m-am prins. Cu ce sa te ajut? thinking Si care e intrebarea?

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