Da, am rezolvat. laure, multumesc de raspunsul tau, insa metodata care mi-ai spus-o tu, chiar nu merge, si nu numai la mine, ci la mai multi.
@opheliac, pentru ca aici intra foarte multi si de-asta. daca o puneam la info utilitare/pc, asteptam vreo saptamana scuze daca te-a deranjat intrebarea. oricumn, multumesc pentru cei care au incercat sa ma ajute.
Do this if you trust that Yahoo Messenger/Internet Explorer is using a trusted site only...If not then you might get somthing bad installed on your machine.
You may have scripting disabled in your Internet Explorer.
To enable scripting:
Click the "Tools" menu on your Internet Explorer toolbar
and select "Internet Options."
Click the "Security" tab.
Click the Internet (globe) icon and click the "Custom Level"
Scroll down to "Scripting."
Enable the following:
* Active scripting
* Allow paste operations via script
* Scripting of Java applets are all enabled
Click the OK button at the bottom of the window.
sper ca intelegi, am preluat direct raspunsul de undeva dar nu e tradus...
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