E posibil sa fii atrasa de cautare, de alergatura care se intampla intre doi oameni care nu se stiu atat de bine, dar atunci cand joci la sigur, cand stii ca persoana respectiva e acolo indiferent de ce se intampla, sa ti se duca entuziasmul. Motivul trebuie cautat inauntrul tau, doar tu stii cel mai bine ce ti se intampla si ce gandesti
Cand esti singura poate esti la ovulatie iar in acele zile dorinta sexuala este mult mai puternica, cand esti cu cineva esti la menstruatie iar dorinta sexuala este mut mai scazuta, desigur ca mai exista o explicatie nu esti atrasa sexual de acel individ simplu
Stai asa ca n-ai zis toata varianta. Zi alea, in ce zile vrea barbat masculin si in ce zile feminin, cum o dadeai tu, stii. Merita fata sa stie, nu? Pai ce facem aici
Barbatul vrea mereu, femeile mai mult la ovulatie
An extensive set of prospective data was examined for evidence of covariation between the timing of sexual desire and a number of menstrual cycle characteristics. In any given menstrual cycle, sexual desire was usually first experienced a few days before the basal body temperature (BBT) shift, around the expected ovulation date. Furthermore, positive correlations were found between the day of the BBT shift and the day of sexual desire onset, and between the length of the menstrual cycle and the temporal lag between the onset of sexual desire and the BBT shift. These results are consistent with a model in which sexual desire is affected by the same process that regulates the menstrual cycle. This process is presumably hormonal in nature, suggesting that hormonal factors contribute to sexual desire.