| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Cine imi zice cum sa imi fac id. vreau pasii, Raspunsurile corecte primesc funda

1 răspuns:
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Pana sa te loghezi apare jos " Get a new Yahoo id" da-i acolo, dupa care completezi astea: Name





Postal Code
Yahoo! ID and Email
@ Change @

Please wait... we're generating some ID suggestions

Sorry no ID suggestions are available

Use 4 to 32 characters and start with a letter. You may use letters, numbers, underscores, and one dot (.).

Here are some suggestions...

New Yahoo IDs

Password Strength

Capitalization matters. Use 6 to 32 characters, and don't use your name or Yahoo! ID.
Re-type Password
Alternate Email (optional)

Secret Question 1

Specify Your Question

Your Answer

Use 4 characters or more — not case sensitive.
Secret Question 2

Specify Your Question

Your Answer
, apoi iti cere un cod, il bagi si pe ala si dai click pe casuta aia galbena" Create my account"
Funda?big grin