| HottestBarbiesOnTumblr a întrebat:

Cum se formeaza future continuous? dau funda si dati`mi si niste exemple :X

4 răspunsuri:
| Anny1 a răspuns:

FORM Future Continuous with "Will"

[will be + present participle]


You will be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
Will you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
You will not be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
FORM Future Continuous with "Be Going To "

[am/is/are + going to be + present participle]


You are going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
Are you going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
You are not going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.

| Tooooo a răspuns:

shall(I, we)

I will /arrive went week.
Will I arrive?
I will not arrive.
I won't arrive funda plss

| ʌɲɗɾєɱʌɾɣ a răspuns:

Future Continuous: will be + vb-ing
1. la un anumit timp in viitor actiunea e in desfasurare (incepuse inainte de acel moment/ timp)

Tonight at 7 o'clock, Tom will be watching TV. (Acum e1 Pm si Tom va incepe sa se uite la TV la 6:30 Pm)

(Deseara la ora 7, Tom se va uita la TV... deja se uita de ceva vreme)

2. o actiune viitoare se va intinde pe toata durata viitoare

Ann will be writing letters all day long.

(Ann va scrie scrisori toata ziua.)
1) O varianta a cazului 1 de folosire a lui "Future Continuous Tense" este cand se vrea sa se sublinieze faptul ca in viitor doua sau mai multe actiuni vor avea loc simultan:

Tonight, they will be watching TV, discussing their vacation plans, and having a good time.

(Deseara, ei se vor uita la TV, isi vor discuta planurile de vacanta si vor petrece o seara minunata.)

2) In propozitiile de timp nu se foloseste viitorul! Astfel, in propozitiile introduse cu after, while, when, before, as soon as, by the time, if nu vom avea viitor!

I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.

(Ma voi uita la TV cand ea va sosi deseara.)

Cam asa...BAFTA!

| Ionelutzaa a răspuns:

Forma afirmativa :
S + Will + V
Ex: I will read a book this week

fora negativa:
S + will + Not (won't) + V
ex: I will not read a book this week

forma interogativa:
(-wh) Will + S + V -?-
ex: will i read a book this week