Stiuuuuu:x si eu am cautat-o pana am gasit-o:x
Chiar ca e super melodia...maria, da'mi si mie versurile, ca nu inteleg nimic de acolo, poate gasesc ceva
Si era :
Cuz it feels like the weight of the world
Have the angels turned their back on me
It feels like the weight of the world
Can't let go of what we use to be
And though my cries have gone unheard and I'm left on my knees
It feels like the weight of the world
Cuz I still remember how it felt
When you loved me...
When you loved me...
Si mie imi place foarte mult si am cautat si eu pe google, am scris versurile, dar nu am gasit nimic. sa speram ca stie cineva de pe aici.
Din cate am inteles eu zicea ceva de genul:cause it feels like the man of the world si mai la final do you love me, do you love me, say you love me, cam atat am inteles si eu:d dc primesti vreun raspuns sa ma anunti si pe mine:*
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