Ai aici un articol care s-ar putea sa te lumineze:
These days, people say a woman has daddy issues when she appears to be seeking attention from men in order to compensate for the attention she may not have received from her father. When we talk about her daddy issues, we’re generally talking about things like aggressive flirtation, promiscuity, a tendency toward exhibitionism, and certain emotional hang-ups.
Whether her daddy issues are actually the result of her relationship with her father or whether "daddy issues" is just the label society has chosen to attach to this cand of behavior, it is a set of characteristics you might encounter in a woman. Consequently, you need to know how to recognize her daddy issues and how to handle them.
ASa e, multumesc
Eu stiam ca sunt atrase doar de banii, de fapt banii sa ai ca ai cate femei vrei tu
Pentru ca baietii sa fie niste sfinti. ideea e ce baietii zic mereu cat de mult vor sa faca sez pe cand fetele fac pe sfintele. as aca baietii zic ca si ele au o minte la fel de perversa ca a lor