| Elena2106 a întrebat:

De la cati ani poti avea orgasm?(la fete si baietii

Răspuns Câştigător
| Violleta2022 a răspuns:

Orgasmul nu este legat de varsta, ci de intensitatea placerii oferite de actul sexual, sau de masturbare.

| Nemessys a răspuns (pentru Violleta2022):

Deci se poate si la 9 ani? happy

25 răspunsuri:
| PsihoSex a răspuns:

Vai, dupa duduia DA, inseamna ca la orice varsta poti avea orgasm, si la 3 ani...
Asta da cultura! Se pupa la fix cu intrebarea!

| RAY a răspuns:

De la inceperea pubertati, dar se stie ca si copii mici simt placere cand se ating inca de cand sunt bebelusi

| mihai69 a răspuns:

De la orice vârstă.
Doar că, în copilărie, nu e neapărat asociat cu sexualitatea (vine de obicei prin masturbare, pe care copilul o face pur și simplu pentru că obține plăcere din asta).
Apariția spermei la băieți și a secrețiilor vaginale asociate excitației la fete apar abia după instalarea pubertății, dar orgasmul se poate produce foarte bine și fără acestea!

| RAY a răspuns (pentru mihai69):

Tu pentru ce mi ai dat eronat? dar se stie ca si copii mici simt placere cand se ating inca de cand sunt bebelusi =asta ai scris si tu, observ un tipar va grabiti foarte rapid cand cititi un raspuns =deficienta de concentrare /atentie

| mihai69 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

1. astea le putem vorbi în privat, să nu „poluăm" topicul;
2. acum dacă ai întrebat public, mă văd nevoit să răspund tot aici: pentru că ai spus că orgasmul se simte doar de la începerea pubertății. Despre copii, ai spus că simt numai plăcere. Iar plăcere nu e echivalent cu orgasm. Simplu. În fine, dacă vrei o nuanțare, răspunsul tău e doar parțial greșit. Dar nu există această opțiune de vot.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru mihai69):

Pai si simt bebelusi sau copii orgasmul? orgasmul nu are legatura cu placerea care o simti cand isi atingi organul sexual, orgasmul este cauzat de ejaculare care apare la baieti la pubertate

| mihai69 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Da; recitește ce am scris. Nu orgasmul e legat de ejaculare, ci fix invers! Iar la fete, oricum nu poți spune că nu au orgasm dacă nu ejaculează, nu?

| RAY a răspuns (pentru mihai69):

Parca m as contrazice pe teme religioase acum, repet eu am scris astfel, bebelusi manifesta placere cand isi ating zonele erogene
orgasmul exista doar de cand acel baiat a ajuns la pubertate, banuiesc ca si la fete e la fel, habar nu am
Many people cannot imagine that everyone—babies, children, teens, adults, and the elderly—are sexual beings. Some believe that sexual activity is reserved for early and middle adulthood. Teens often feel that adults are too old for sexual intercourse. Sexuality, though, is much more than sexual intercourse and humans are sexual beings throughout life.

Sexuality in infants and toddlers—Children are sexual even before birth. Males can have erections while still in the uterus, and some boys are born with an erection. Infants touch and rub their genitals because it provides pleasure. Little boys and girls can experience orgasm from masturbation although boys will not ejaculate until puberty. By about age two, children know their own gender. They are aware of differences in the genitals of males and females and in how males and females urinate.

Sexuality in children ages three to seven—Preschool children are interested in everything about their world, including sexuality. They may practice urinating in different positions. They are highly affectionate and enjoy hugging other children and adults. They begin to be more social and may imitate adult social and sexual behaviors, such as holding hands and kissing. Many young children play "doctor" during this stage, looking at other children's genitals and showing theirs. This is normal curiosity. By age five or six, most children become more modest and private about dressing and bathing.

Children of this age are aware of marriage and understand living together, based on their family experience. They may role-play about being married or having a partner while they "play house." Most young children talk about marrying and/or living with a person they love when they get older. School-age children may play sexual games with friends of their same sex, touching each other's genitals and/or masturbating together. Most sex play at this age happens because of curiosity.

Sexuality in preadolescent youth ages eight to 12—Puberty, the time when the body matures, begins between the ages of nine and 12 for most children. Girls begin to grow breast buds and public hair as early as nine or 10. Boys' development of penis and testicles usually begins between 10 and 11. Children become more self-conscious about their bodies at this age and often feel uncomfortable undressing in front of others, even a same-sex parent.

Masturbation increases during these years. Preadolescent boys and girls do not usually have much sexual experience, but they often have many questions. They usually have heard about sexual intercourse, petting, oral sex, and anal sex, homosexuality, rape and incest, and they want to know more about all these things. The idea of actually having sexual intercourse, however, is unpleasant to most preadolescent boys and girls.

Same-gender sexual behavior is common at this age. Boys and girls tend to play with friends of the same gender and are likely to explore sexuality with them. Masturbating with one's same-gender friends and looking at or caressing each other's genitals is common among preadolescent boys and girls. Such same-gender sexual behavior is unrelated to a child's sexual orientation.

Some group dating occurs at this age. Preadolescents may attend parties that have guests of both genders, and they may dance and play kissing games. By age 12 or 13, some young adolescents may pair off and begin dating and/or "making out."

Sexuality in adolescent youth (ages 13 to 19)—Once youth have reached puberty and beyond, they experience increased interest in romantic and sexual relationships and in genital sex behaviors. As youth mature, they experience strong emotional attachments to romantic partners and find it natural to express their feelings within sexual relationships. There is no way to predict how a particular teenager will act sexually. Overall, most adolescents explore relationships with one another, fall in and out of love, and participate in sexual intercourse before the age of 20.

Adult sexuality—Adult sexual behaviors are extremely varied and, in most cases, remain part of an adult's life until death. At around age 50, women experience menopause, which affects their sexuality in that their ovaries no longer release eggs and their bodies no longer produce estrogen. They may experience several physical changes. Vaginal walls become thinner and vaginal intercourse may be painful as there is less vaginal lubrication and the entrance to the vagina becomes smaller. Many women use estrogen replacement therapy to relieve physical and emotional side effects of menopause. Use of vaginal lubricants can also make vaginal intercourse easier. Most women are able to have pleasurable sexual intercourse and to experience orgasm for their entire lives.

Adult men also experience some changes in their sexuality, but not at such a predictable time as with menopause in women. Men's testicles slow testosterone production after age 25 or so. Erections may occur more slowly once testosterone production slows. Men also become less able to have another erection after an orgasm and may take up to 24 hours to achieve and sustain another erection. The amount of semen released during ejaculation also decreases, but men are capable of fathering a baby even when they are in their 80's and 90's. Some older men develop an enlarged or cancerous prostate gland. If the doctors deem it necessary to remove the prostate gland, a man's ability to have an erection or an orgasm is normally unaffected. Recently, There are medications to help older men achieve and maintain erections.

Although adult men and women go through some sexual changes as they age, they do not lose their desire or their ability for sexual expression. Even among the very old, the need for touch and intimacy remains, although the desire and ability to have sexual intercourse may lessen.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru mihai69):

Ca am descoperit ceva, ejacularea cica e posibila si in uterul mamei iar orgasmul poate aparea si de la 2 ani

| Mihailescu_Valeriu_1953 a răspuns (pentru mihai69):

Si fetele ejaculeaza; se numeste squirt!

| Elena2106 explică (pentru RAY):

Aoleu acum chiar ca ai scris un Roman intreg

| RAY a răspuns (pentru Elena2106):

Dar uite cate am aflat, daca bagi la cap poti lua nota 10 la biologie sau sa stii pe viitor, cunostintele te determina cine esti in viata

| mihai69 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

„Little boys and girls can experience orgasm from masturbation although boys will not ejaculate until puberty."
Deci totuși aveam dreptate, corect?

| mihai69 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Iar ai priceput pe dos: NU ejacularea, ci ERECȚIA e posibilă încă din timpul sarcinii, la băieți (evident, DUPĂ apariția caracterelor / organelor sexuale).

| Elena2106 explică (pentru mihai69):

Eu am dreptate

| RAY a răspuns (pentru mihai69):

Nu stiam asta, nu sunt dumnezeu, eu credeam ceva acum voi crede altceva, daca imi dovedeai stiintific te credeam de la bun inceput

| RAY a răspuns (pentru mihai69):

Acuma am citit mai bine, asa e erectie

| mihai69 a răspuns (pentru Elena2106):

Fetele au oricum dreptate întotdeauna.winking

| Elena2106 explică (pentru mihai69):

Ma flatezi

| mihai69 a răspuns (pentru Elena2106):

Măcar la asta mă pricep și eu...

| PsihoSex a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Ray, la noi orgasmul poate fi si diferit de ejaculare, mai cauta si tu pe net, nu te contrazice aici.
Vrei sa o concurezi pe DuduiaAlbacazapada?!

| RAY a răspuns (pentru PsihoSex):

Vezi mai sus niste dovezii stiintifice, nu concurez cu pesudogenii virtuale feminine.

| sweetangels a răspuns:

De cand iti apare simtul genital!

| Bernardus a răspuns:

Poti avea orgasm la orice varsta, nu ejaculezi dar ai orgasm