Da, prin modul in care vorbeste, chiar ai vrea sa fi cu el? :/
In orice caz poti scrie asa :
- I will love you till the end of time.
- Idiot, i love you. :3
- I love him, but he didn't believe me.
- You're like a video game.
- And now, she cries...
- You don't like me? Anyway, i don't believe in you.
- You do not know your feelings.
Cam atat imi vine in minte. Funda?
1-Cine te iubeste nu pleaca...decat atunci cand simte ca e in plus.
2-sa nu ma-ntrebi de ce pe tine...ca nu stiu.
3-Multi arunca 2 cuvinte in vant Multi spun te iubesc cu alt nume in gand
4-Mai bine eu insumi cu mii de defecte decat ca alte CLONE perfecte
5-M-ai invatat cum sa iubesc,...dar nu si ce sa fac sa ma opresc
6-Tot ce-i frumos are termen de valabilitate redus.
7-Lupta pentru cel pe care-l iubesti,...dar lasa-l daca il vezi fericit....chiar daca nu-i cu tine!
The best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.
If you ask me about the love, I can’t answer you. But if you ask me who I love, the answer is you.
Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage. )
You don't have to love in words, even through the silences love is always heard.
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in ur eyes!
Sper ca te-am ajutat. Sau pune-ti si tu la status: Te iubesc ba prostule!
Problema nu e cu statusurile
Daca iti place asa mult de el, vorbeste cu el, imprieteniti-va si poate o sa fiti si impreuna. Sa nu fii prea insistenta sau sa-l cauti numai tu. Daca te place, te va cauta si el. Succes :*
Tu te-ai orientat fix catre tipul care are la status "te iubesc FA PROASTO"?!
super! daca ai "norocul" sa stai cu el iti tranteste si o palma sa intelegi!
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