| zuzu_3768 a întrebat:

I don, t like to do what people expect. Why should i live up to other people, s expectations instead of my own? sad sad

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11 răspunsuri:
| I'mPerfect(a)! a răspuns:

Mey, si mamaia stia 3 cuvinte in engleza si totusi nu le folosea cu babele pe sunt...

Atata timp cat site-ul e romanesc, renunta la fite englezesti si respecta majoritatea!

Si daca nu vrei sa faci ca altii, fa ca tine, dar in timpul tau!

| Ana_6509 a răspuns:

You're Miley Cyrus?raised eyebrows

| Delire a răspuns:

Ma lasi? cu engleza ta? vb ca omu' normalrolling on the floor ne lasa rece engleza tastraight face

| seby8873 a răspuns:

You should not live by someone's expectations, just do what you feel what's best for you. Do not listen to others, because there are people in the world who will harm you and until you realize it will be to late.

| SteauaROsie a răspuns:

I can't belive that miss
no speak english very muchlaughing

| soare a răspuns:

Yeah be your self belive in u

| N3rvos a răspuns:

Just be yourself, and see who like`s you the way you are, the rest who don`t apreciate you, screw them, Live the life the way you want, if not when you will be old, your memories will be not so good and belive me in moments of sadness good memories are the things that give us a reason to livehee hee

| silver1864 a răspuns:

I can say you something "you are not alone in this whole world" so you need to conform a little bit!

| zuzu_3768 explică:

Mhn24.Nujtiu d, astea!laughing))

| zuzu_3768 explică:

Ana&just me& luchass.hm.deci.practic.va dau... dude!happy

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Another epic fail question. Bear in mind that this is a romanian website and english skills are not required, if you continue this POS you'll end up being called a pitzipoancă. Good luck with that, whatever this means.