Sunt multe, dar nu imi vin in minte numai astea:
I see... eyes are lying
I see...clotes are falling
upss... i did it again
I love you more :X
nu`s... du-te acasa `!
Totusi ne place nebunia... fabricata in Romania
Taci si zambeste!
Cat de jos se poate!
my hips don`t lie
it`s alwais the same
Some girls want, some girls don`t, i might
Everybody has a private world where they can be alone
In my shoes, just to see, what it`s like to be me
I`l be you, let`s change shoes, just to see what it be like to
Lost in music...
Lose yourself in the music!
Come and give me some more
i`m getting out of control
i`m talking to myself
it`s my life, my own words i guess
I like it :X
Ma gandesc la EL :X
goooooone... fumatul ucide si totusi nu e la puscarie
luv ya
si multe altele, sper ca ti-am fost de folos >
justagirl21 întreabă:
Lungu_Gabriela_1990 întreabă:
linarkfts întreabă: