Three days grace- I hate everything about you
My darkest days-One last time
My darkest days-Without you
My darkest days-Can't forget you
Evanescence-My immortal
Three days grace-Never too late
Three days grace-On my own
Three days Grace-Pain
Maroon5-She will be loved
Queen-show must go on
Three days Grace-without you
Deci astea sunt preferatele mele din cele triste, sper sa-ti placa :**
Cargo-astazi si maine
aerosmith-amazing, cryin
queen-show must go on
asculta si rock fm[100.6] si vezi ce e si pe acolo
Black veil brides - mortician daughter
30 seconds to mars - a call to arms; alibi; was it a dream; search and destroy
evanescence- my inmortal; bring me to life
10 years - say goodbye
sum 41- with me; say goodbye
green day - wake me up when september ends
nightwish - while your lips are still red
within temptation - mother earth (cam toate melodiile lor)
30 seconds to mars- Hurricane
30 seconds to mars- From Yesterday
30 seconds to mars- This is war
30 seconds to mars- A beautiful lie
My chemical romance- Sing
Rise Against- Make it stop
Smiley- Dream Girl
Mishelle feat Randi - Only You
Chris Brown - Next To You ft. Justin Bieber (stiu ca e si justin bieber in ea da e trista melodia)
Black Veil Brides- Fallen Angels
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