| adybitals a întrebat:

Ajutati-ma va rog. Dau funda! It s Saturday evening.My cousin always...(trebuie sa pui unul din verbele: scratches, pay, is, fries, stay, passes, play, tries, enjoy, misses) me a visit on saturdays. We usually (2) at home and (3) the piano.My grandmother often (4) some fish and we.(5). our delicious meal.George,the youngest of us, usually brings his cat and it (6) my furniture.He often (7) to leave it outside but he (8) it, so we have to let him keep it. Time always (9) quickly on Saturdays.That (10) it for today, dear, diary, so I'll have to say goodbye.(ofer pentru ajutorul depus multe melodii de la 30-in sus)

Răspuns Câştigător
| Jadeite a răspuns:

My cousin always pays me a visit on saturdays. We usually stay at home and play the piano.My grandmother often fries some fish and we enjoy our delicious meal.George,the youngest of us, usually brings his cat and it scratches my furniture.He often tries to leave it outside but he misses it, so we have to let him keep it. Time always passes quickly on Saturdays.That is it for today, dear, diary, so I'll have to say goodbye.

3 răspunsuri:
| sabilopod a răspuns:

In ce cls esti? eu stiam sa fac chestia asta si in a 2a. +''4. In atentia elevilor/studentilor: Nu acceptam intrebari prin intermediul carora incercati sa va rezolvati temele pentru acasa sau temele de vacanta. Cei care nu vor respecta acest aspect risca sa fie sanctionati prin stergerea/ suspendarea contului.''

| annaanne3 a răspuns:

It.s Saturday evening. My cousing always pay me a visit on Saturdays.We ussualy stay at home and play at the piano. My grandmother often fries some fish and we enjoy our delicious meal. George, the youngest of us, usually brings his cat and it scratches my furniture. He often tries to leave it outside but he misses it, so we have to let him keep it. Time always passes quickly on Saturdays. That is it for today dear, diary, so I`ll have to say goodbye. [ Aceastaaaa este varianta corectaasmug, ce imi poti oferii ca premiu day dreaming?:******* ]

| sweetkiss4u4ever a răspuns:

Vai de capul tau! nu stii o boaba de engleza! acest site nu este pentru teme.si macar daca te-ai laudat ca dai funda, da atunci.