| SweetAngel a întrebat:

Am de facut o prezentare amuzanta la engleza si nu am nici o idee. Puteti sa ma ajutati, poate sa fie despre orice subiect dar sa nu fi chiar asa de plictisitoare, niste site-uri cu astfel de prezentari ar fi bune sau dialoguri amuzante in engleza.Multumesc.

1 răspuns:
| lilweasel a răspuns:

Teacher: Where is your homework?
Boy: Written in the stars...
Teahcer: Is that so? Where exactly?
Boy: A million miles away...
Teacher: What is it about?
Boy: A message to the main...
Teacher: grow up already! And change you're excuses too!
Boy: seasons come and go, but I'll never change...
Teacher: that's it! get out of my face!
Boy: I'm on my wayyyy

Meh nu stiu daca te-ar putea ajuta sau nu dar mi s-a parut funny, dialogul nu e facut de mine am dat de el pe youtube parca, si face referire la cantecul "written in the stars"

Boy: Teacher?
Teacher: Yes?
Boy: do i get punished for something I didn't do?
Teacher: Of course not.
Boy: Okay...then I didn't do my homework.

sper sa te ajute dialogurile astea... poate ar fi ajutat mai mult daca aveam mai multe detalii straight face