O lista cu timpurile verbale. sper ca le-am scris pe toate. Ti-am dat si exemple, ca sa intelegi mai bine.
1.Present Simple (I go to school)
2.Present Continuous (I am drinking tea now)
3.Past Simple (I went to the theatre last week)
4.Past Continuous (I was reading a book when the phone rang)
5.Present Perfect Simple (She has bought a new phone)
6.Present Perfect Continuos (She has been reading the whole morning)
7.Past Perfect Simple (She had returned home by the time I arrived)
8.Past Perfect Continuous (She said she had been cleaning the house for four hours)
9. Future Simple 1 (I will visit my grandparents tomorrow)
10. Future Simple 2 (Look at the sky, it is going to rain!)
11. Future Continuous (He will be hiding)
12. Conditional 2 e (He would come to dinner if he had time)
13. Conditional 1 (If you don't help me I will fail the exam)
14. Conditional 3 (He wouldn't have missed the bus if he had woken up early)
15. Wishes (I wish I had been more careful; I wish I had studied more; I wish she would stop yelling at me)
I/you/he, she, it/we/you/they
Olimpic national la engleza, clasa a 9-a
Cu placere.
Sa nu-mi spui ca m-am straduit degeaba
Uite aici o parte din gramatica limbii engleze http://www.scribd.com/doc/1138684/Gramatica-limbii-engleze
@Ami a scris bine, doar la 9 a "scrantit-o". Americanii spun "I will", englezii spun "I shall". Noi studiem engleza vorbita in UK.
Sa nu se inteleaga prostii, de gen "o critic pe @Ami!"
Poti intra si pe Academia de Engleza la http://www.academia-de-engleza.ro/......gleza.html Au si ceva exemple f. utile... dar mai sunt si alte site-uri...
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